Emerging from the Vedic Civilization in the holy and spiritual land of India around 5000 years ago, Ayurveda is considered as one of the oldest medical science which is practised world wide today. Based on the concept of Tri-Doshas, Ayurveda teaches us to live a life that is pure and balances with mother nature.

According to Ayurveda, sex is the third pillar of life, the first two being diet and sleep. These form a strong foundation on which we build a life full of happiness, health and longevity. Ayurveda has recognised the importance of sex and cited it as a necessity for a balanced mental and physical well being. Sex is one of the seven tissues (dhatus) that the tradition recognizes (plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow / nerve and reproductive tissue). While sex has been discussed more in the context of reproduction, the importance of maintaining a healthy sexual life still remains valid. Due to hectic life style, unhealthy diet, poor workout regime, psychological stress and social inhibitions and taboos we often tend to ignore our sexual health. We feel embarrassed to take help for our problems and choose to suffer in silence, which in turn result in a very stressful relationship and low self esteem. In order to help those who seek for a better sex life for themselves and their partners, Mokshanand introduces time tested Ayurvedic Formulae which restores faith in natural and holistic approach to our wellbeing in its purest form.
